天然寶石手作珠寶飾品,K金,包金,純銀,銅。 承襲自經營三十餘年的天然半寶石圓珠加工廠,我們喜歡天然石與生俱來的表情韻味,希望用簡練的設計,純粹的金屬,平實的價格,創作分享我們覺得這樣配戴就很好看的天然石珠寶飾品。 The starting of Joyce Wu Handmade Jewelry was straightforward. As a faithful follower of natural gemstones and fine-quality metal alloys, we want to create and share simple jewelry designs with a touch of chic, a dash of elegance, and a fistful of selected gems that can last long. The founder is Siva Huang (also taking on the role of designing), and Joyce Wu is her mother, who has been working with a 1982 established stone bead manufacturer and wholesaler since young.